الأربعاء, 24 أبريل/نيسان 2024
سيرة ذاتية
الاعمال الشعرية الكاملة
قصص قصيره
ديوانُ الأنهار الثلاثة
جِـــــــرارٌ بِلونِ الذهب
الحياة في خريطةٍ
عَيشة بِنْت الباشا
قصائـدُ هَـيْـرْفِـيــلْـد التلّ
طـيَـرانُ الـحِـدْأَةِ
الخطوة السابعة
الشــيوعــيّ الأخير فقط ...
أنا بَرلــيـنيّ ؟ : بــانورامـــا
الديوانُ الإيطاليّ
في البراري حيثُ البرق
قصائد مختارة
ديــوانُ صلاة الوثني
ديــوانُ الخطوة الخامسة
ديــوانُ شرفة المنزل الفقير
ديــوانُ حفيد امرىء القيس
ديــوانُ الشــيوعــيّ الأخير
ديــوانُ أغنيةُ صيّــادِ السّمَك
ديوان قصــائدُ نـيـويـورك
قصائد الحديقة العامة
صــورة أنــدريــا
ديــوانُ طَــنْــجـــة
ديوان غرفة شيراز
ديوانُ السُّونَيت
أوراقي في الـمَـهَـبّ
ديوان البنْد
ديوان خريف مكتمل
مقالات في الادب والفن
مقالات في السياسة
أراء ومتابعات
البحث الموسع
المتواجدون الان
يوجد حالياً 222 زائر على الخط

Cavafy’s House طباعة البريد الإلكترونى

Six Lipsius Street:
Was your Alexandria the sea?
Or was it the turn
To where the alley narrows
And dispenses a flimsy
Light like the gloss on boiled snails.
May be your Alexandria was this door
That I cannot see.
May be it was the mumbling that trembled at the lips
But were never released…
May be the vase
Or the palace terrace where the god
Forsook Antony…

Six Lipsius Street:
Where the Greeks of night  come from?
Where did this wine come from?
Where is this stumbling song come from?
And this broken Boozooki?
And this air that is Alas,Alas,
This air airing its Ah ,Ah ?

Six Lipsius Street:
The balcony darkens …
The room withdraws into the wardrobe mirror,
The shirt flies to the sea
And the sea is absent..

If you are Antony , wait then…
May be from the shards of the mirror
A god will rise and call your namne.

Tunis 12.2.1990

A Roman Colony طباعة البريد الإلكترونى

Saadi Yousef
We were Greeks
Our dwellings on the borders
Of the Arabian Desert;
But we have two rivers
And some villages
And farms watered by the two rivers…
Also, we did have poets
Who knew the meters
And wrote about women and flowers.
In Kinnesrin

A personal song طباعة البريد الإلكترونى

Saadi Yousef
Is it Iraq?
   Blessed is the one who said
I know the road, which leads to it;
Blessed is the one whose lips uttered
The four letters:
“ Iraq, Iraq, nothing but Iraq."

اخر تحديث الإثنين, 31 دجنبر/كانون أول 2007 12:22
Saadi Yousef’s interview in The Socialist Worker طباعة البريد الإلكترونى

 By Jonathan Maunder
August 2006
Saadi Youssef is one of Iraq’s most well known poets and his work is renowned throughout the Middle East and beyond. He has translated numerous writers into Arabic including George Orwell, Federico Garcia Lorca and Walt Whitman. He fled Iraq in 1979 after Saddam Hussein tightened his hold on power, and lived subsequently in numerous countries.  He now lives just outside London.

اخر تحديث السبت, 10 نونبر/تشرين ثان 2007 14:48
Interview Saadi Youssef طباعة البريد الإلكترونى

Questions: Leilah Nadir. Additional questions: James Byrne.
ImageBorn near Basra, Iraq, in 1934, Saadi Youssef started writing poetry at the age of 17. Subsequently he has published over 30 collections of poetry, a volume of short stories, two novels, several essays, and four volumes of his collected works. Twice exiled from Iraq, he has lived in many countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, including Syria, Lebanon and Paris. He has translated major international poets from English into Arabic, including Walt Whitman

اخر تحديث السبت, 10 نونبر/تشرين ثان 2007 14:48
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